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Gears of War: prigioniero

L'ultimo libro della saga

In arrivo a maggio in inglese (The Slab) e probabilmente a luglio in italiano (Prigioniero) l'ultimo libro della saga di Gears of War. Dall'anteprima, che riporto qui sotto, ci potremo aspettare molte rivelazioni:

“Adam, you knew this day would come.”

It was a familiar voice: silky, imperial, polished, and utterly human.

“Hello, Myrrah.” Adam Fenix found himself thinking of the terrible Locust food again. “You got my message, then.”

“And how right you were. We do need you. And we shall take you. I hope you’re not planning anything foolish. You have responsibilities, Adam.”

It would be a living death. The Locust Queen would never release him, even if he developed a countermeasure. But he didn’t deserve any better.

“I also have my service pistol.”

“And I can take your son at any time.”

He had the measure of her, then, and she had his. “You leave Marcus out of this. It’s a condition.” He opened the desk drawer and took out the handgun, a 9mm officer’s weapon. It made a distinctive clunk on the wooden desktop as he slammed it down. “If anything happens to him, I don’t care what happens to the rest of Sera.”

pubblicato alle 11:58 del 29/03/2012

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