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Pick a Quest - RPG Community

ha pubblicato un'immagine nell'album Dragon Age riguardante Dragon Age: Origins

• Wynne: Alistair, may I have a word?
• Alistair: Of course, anything for my favouritest mage ever.
• Wynne: It seems you and our fearless leader are inseparable these days. Joined at the hip, almost.
• Alistair: That's a bit of an overstatement, don't you think?
• Wynne: Well then, now that you're in an intimate relationship, you should learn about where babies really come from.
• Alistair: Pardon?
• Wynne: I know the Chantry says you dream about your babies and the good Fade spirits take them out of the Fade and leave them in your arms...but that's not true. Actually what happens is that when a girl and a boy really love each other --
• Alistair: Andraste's flaming sword! I know where babies come from!
• Wynne: Do you? Do you really?
• Alistair: I certainly hope so.

Una cosa che non mi ha mai delusa di #DragonAgeOrigins è sicuramente l'interazione tra i personaggi.
Bioware ci sa indubbiamente fare con il cast e poi quanto è adorabile Alistair in quel dialogo? X°D
-Viv, sempre leggermente fag della saga