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Playstation Sony Lecteur à distance Portal

4,1 4,1 su 5 stelle 1.082 voti

Marchio Playstation
Nome modello PlayStation Portal
Colore Black
Caratteristica speciale Touchpad
Peso articolo 1,19 Chilogrammi

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  • 1243094

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Sony Lecteur à distance PlayStation Portal

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Playstation Sony Lecteur à distance Portal

Playstation Sony Lecteur à distance Portal

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4,1 su 5 stelle
4,1 su 5
1.082 valutazioni globali
5 Stelle
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Recensioni migliori da Italia

Recensito in Italia il 8 aprile 2024
9 persone l'hanno trovato utile
Recensito in Italia il 27 dicembre 2023
5 persone l'hanno trovato utile
Recensito in Italia il 18 novembre 2023
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5,0 su 5 stelle Innovativa!
Recensito in Italia il 18 novembre 2023
Oggetto tecnologico che asseconda il desiderio di chi vuole giocare con la PS5 non solo a casa propria o sempre davanti alla TV. Da questo punto di vista vale i soldi spesi. Anche il display, seppur LCD e non OLED, è assolutamente impeccabile neji colori e nella luminosità. Le dimensioni di 8 pollici full HD garantiscono una visione nitida e dettagliata da non farti pensare al 4k, secondo me superfluo in un display da 8 pollici. L'ergonomia è 5 stelle e anche la qualità costruttiva è ottima. Necessità ovviamente di una buona connessione, ma ci gioco spesso con l'hotspot del mio smartphone e funziona perfettamente. La durata della batteria con una luminosità media è di circa 9 ora; l'audio è stereofonico e di qualità. Per non disturbare è possibile collegare le cuffie via cavo grazie all'ingresso AUX. Poi, se potete acquistare a cuor leggero le ultime cuffie wireless per questa portal, fatelo pure, ma io (questa si) la ritengo una spesa eccessiva. Consiglio l'acquisto senza ombra di dubbio.
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17 persone l'hanno trovato utile
Recensito in Italia il 22 novembre 2023
6 persone l'hanno trovato utile

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5,0 su 5 stelle Flawless for me.
Recensito nel Regno Unito il 27 maggio 2024
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5,0 su 5 stelle Flawless for me.
Recensito nel Regno Unito il 27 maggio 2024
I have my PS5 wired to my router. It's not using the Virgin Media router for WiFi. I have theirs in "modem mode" and use a £90 TP-Link Wi-Fi 6 router with 4 aerials on it. I don't have a fancy mesh setup or anything like that, it's just a regular router you'd buy if upgrading from your ISP's with no tech skills required. So this isn't some elitist ultimate experience that is only available to network professionals.

I have not, and flat out refused, to change any settings on PS5 - e.g. changing the resolution to 1080p and any of that nonsense people suggest. The device is worthless if every time you use your console on the TV, you have to keep switching your resolution back and forth, so I point blank refused to do it. It's set to 4K, 120hz and HDR as per normal.

I have got in the habit of putting my PS5 in rest mode rather than shutting down, and enabled the network connection when in rest mode - that way your PS5 turns on when you turn on the Portal.

Performance for me is flawless. I've been all around the house with it (modest 3 bed semi) and no issues. I'm used to streaming, having used Geforce Now extensively, and Nvidia Gamestream - so I know what good streaming is like. With it running over your local network rather than the web (unlike GF Now) this is obviously the optimum streaming experience.

I am playing in May '24, and I gather there was a major patch that "significantly" improved the performance of the device a month or so earlier. So my experience may differ from early adopters. I don't see compression artefacts, judder, stutter, latency or disconnects. It all just works perfectly; like owning a "PS5 Switch".

It's particularly good for older games, or those running in performance mode, as the 1080p Portal Screen means they run at native resolution, so it looks better than playing the game on your TV, albeit minus HDR. Something like RDR2 which has poor resolution on PS5 (compared to XSX) would definitely be better on Portal than on your TV.

For the ultimate latency test I tried AC Unity, which is an old 30fps PS4 game running at 1080p. This game is now in its element on Portal. It looks amazing even compared to modern games, and whilst 30fps isn't ideal for streaming, it's actually great to play and doesn't feel laggy at all. Obviously 60fps games will feel even better.

The screen is very bright and I haven't touched any brightness settings, so that's how it came out of the box. It also seems to have less glare than my iPad screen that I'd previously used for PS remote play. That's despite having a tempered glass screen protector on it.

I gather the sticks are shorter than on a regular PS5 pad, but I haven't actually noticed when playing.

Sound is excellent. Better than my Switch OLED even! More like my old 14" portable TV's of yesteryear than a handheld console!

So yeah, this really is the "ultimate Switch"! Because my PS5 turns on with the Portal, and because it runs so flawlessly, it really is like having a Switch but with PS5 graphics.

Currently playing AC Liberation which I also own on Switch, but clearly the experience is a million times better on my Portal, and looks better than if I were using my big OLED TV.

99% of the time when I use my Switch in handheld mode, I'm in the house and connected to my home Wi-Fi. Sure in the Switch TV commercials it shows cherry picked trendy and attractive actors pretending to play it at a basketball court or skatepark, but let's be brutally honest..........who really plays at such places? We all mostly use the Switch in handheld mode whilst we or our partner is watching/hogging the TV or a movie in the same room.

That makes this the perfect device, and more akin to whatever the Nintendo Switch 3 will be like in 2030! Albeit you have your entire Playstation collection at your fingertips, anywhere in the house!

I took it to a relatives house who had good Wi-Fi broadband, and it played exactly as it did in my house, even though my PS5 was miles away. If you take it on holiday and **IF** you have good Wi-Fi and internet at your destination, then it will be perfectly useable and like taking your PS5 and TV on holiday.

I tried connecting to my mobile phone as a hot spot at home, but the 5G signal here is terrible and whilst it was playable, it would occasionally stutter. In an area with good coverage, I think it would also be perfectly good.

Easy 5/5 stars for me based on what I wanted it for, and how well it does it. This is my primary way of playing PS5 now and has made me want to buy all third party games for my PS5 rather than XSX or PC, simply because I have this device and the capability it offers.
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4 persone l'hanno trovato utile
Sergio Iglesias
5,0 su 5 stelle Muy satisfecho
Recensito in Spagna il 26 maggio 2024
5,0 su 5 stelle Awesome Console🤩🤩
Recensito in India il 25 febbraio 2024
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5,0 su 5 stelle Awesome Console🤩🤩
Recensito in India il 25 febbraio 2024
Good Seller, very well packed and delivered. Really nice device. Go for it 👍
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9 persone l'hanno trovato utile
Roger Holmén
5,0 su 5 stelle Jag e nöjd
Recensito in Svezia in data 22 febbraio 2024
Brian Bigaré
5,0 su 5 stelle Reçu avant la date de livraison
Recensito in Belgio il 14 febbraio 2024
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Brian Bigaré
5,0 su 5 stelle Reçu avant la date de livraison
Recensito in Belgio il 14 febbraio 2024
Top bien emballer , livraison rapide
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