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Another Titanfall game coming this year with a "new twist" on the universe

Don't worry: Respawn Entertainment is working on more Titanfall alongside Apex Legends and the new title is expected this year.

EA said tonight during its Q3 financial call to investors to expect the next Titanfall game to drop this year.

Unlike Apex Legends, it will not be a free-to-play title, and it will feature a "new twist"  Titanfall universe. EA CEO Andrew Wilson promised more information on the game would come in the "months ahead."

Original story follows.


Respawn Entertainment boss Vince Zampella has said the studio is working on more Titanfall for later in the year. Whether this is Titanfall 3, or another project remains to be seen.

This is according to a tweet posted this afternoon.

Zampella said in 2017 the studio would be "doing more Titanfall" in the future, but a sequel to Titanfall 2 has not been announced.

Last week during an event for Apex Legends, the game's design director Mackey McCandlish, the core Titanfall team is working on Apex and there were no other projects in development.

McCandlish likely wasn't able comment on future projects, especially Titanfall 3. But today, Zampella has given fans worried about whether another outing will be released something to chew on.

In short, look for tons of content for Apex Legends in the future, and "more Titanfall for later in the year." Good news all around.

If you're just getting started on Apex Legends, here's a general rundown of everything you need to know before jumping in.

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