Battle No. -
0% sorted.


Click to Start!

Display images while sorting.

After starting the game, simply click the character that you prefer among the two shown, or, if you equally like/dislike/don't care about both characters, you can select the "tie" option.
Once all the matches have been solved (or tied), a list of your favorite characters will be automatically generated!

Please select all games you are familiar with. Keep in mind that spoilers may be present.
The total number of characters is 81, so it can be pretty long if you choose all games.

If you only want it to be about Kingdom Hearts original characters, uncheck every game and just leave the "Only Kingdom Hearts characters" box ticked.

All questions, comments and troubleshooting should be directed here.

Images are from Kingdom Hearts Wiki. Thanks to Alice for helping me with the code and for all the encouraging I've received from her.
Original script by K-Factory; original Touhou sorter by E-Phantasm, translated into English here.