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Cover Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered per PC

Review: Fahrenheit indigo prophecy

Here it goes to another game that is hard to describe.
Fahrenheit is a mix between a graphic adventure, a movie, and the Sims. I will talk about each part in detail.
As a graphic adventure, it has simple and elementary puzzles. To look for objects or look for a logic connection. The story is great and full of suspense, but once again it finishes too fast on the ending. The top of immersion in the story will happen almost at the end of the game.
As movie/game it has a lot of quick-time events, well organized that are useful both to describe the fights and the intuition that the characters can have or not. Going on will become the most interesting part of the game. Together with the dialogue that we will be able to pilot through important choices.
NB: it is the game that defines itself as a movie, in the starting menu we will find a new movie icon and not a new game one. And looking at the camera I can easily understand why.
In the end, the “the Sims part “ consists of trying to recover your morals and do not become crazy through simple actions like washing your hands.
Really guys wash always your hands. In this game and in life too.
The game is really good, it is a curious experiment that it was also a success. It is also very cured, and also after many years has the sense to play it. Games like this are very rare.
I would suggest playing it because it is an involving experience completely different from the other games that you can usually find.

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