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Cover How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness (Linux)

How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness Linux

Cover How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness (Linux)
Data di uscita
2 aprile 2018
Flying Interactive
Point Bleep Studios

Hello. I'm Nigel Wimble.

Tonight I am filming my final episode of How to Cope with Boredom and Loneliness: A Guide for the Isolated. I am meeting with Harold Fletcher, a 43 year old man who has been grounded to his bedroom for over 30 years.

Help me create an award winning documentary by picking the right scenes to shoot. Explore Harold's bedroom to find items that might shed some light on how he's coped with the boredom and loneliness from 30 years of isolation. Then we'll get the camera rolling!

Once the scenes are chosen you can sit back and watch the documentary unfold. Then we'll see what the focus group thinks. Let's make some hard hitting TV! Choose the most on theme items for the perfect score.

How to Cope with Boredom and Loneliness joins the crowded 'create your own documentary simulator' market but we hope to stand out with a touching story and memorable characters.

- No real gameplay

- 20 minutes you wont get back

- A joke that makes you laugh through your nose

- Music

- Realtime 2D visuals

- Something to do while you download a proper game

What started life as a humble Ludum Dare project, HTCBL has since blossomed into a questionably better but still humble experience. It is less a game and more of a cartoon generator with dozen of scenes to combine with multiple intros and outros. We hope you enjoy it and play it multiple times to create all the possible documentaries.


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Hello. I'm Nigel Wimble.

Tonight I am filming my final episode of How to Cope with Boredom and Loneliness: A Guide for the Isolated. I am meeting with Harold Fletcher, a 43 year old man who has been grounded to his bedroom for over 30 years.

Help me create an award winning documentary by picking the right scenes to shoot. Explore Harold's bedroom to find items that might shed some light on how he's coped with the boredom and loneliness from 30 years of isolation. Then we'll get the camera rolling!

Once the scenes are chosen you can sit back and watch the documentary unfold. Then we'll see what the focus group thinks. Let's make some hard hitting TV! Choose the most on theme items for the perfect score.

How to Cope with Boredom and Loneliness joins the crowded 'create your own documentary simulator' market but we hope to stand out with a touching story and memorable characters.

- No real gameplay

- 20 minutes you wont get back

- A joke that makes you laugh through your nose

- Music

- Realtime 2D visuals

- Something to do while you download a proper game

What started life as a humble Ludum Dare project, HTCBL has since blossomed into a questionably better but still humble experience. It is less a game and more of a cartoon generator with dozen of scenes to combine with multiple intros and outros. We hope you enjoy it and play it multiple times to create all the possible documentaries.