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Former Blizzard president thinks you should be able to leave a tip after beating $70 games, but my 10 years in the

Mike Ybarra, former president of Blizzard, has some up with the slightly baffling idea that players should be able to tip developers after beating $70 games.

In today's episode of "how do we let these people run massive companies," the now former Blizzard president Mike Ybarra, who left the company back in January, has suggested introducing a tipping system into video games. "I've thought about this idea for a while, as a player, since I've been diving into single player games lately," wrote Ybarra on Twitter. "When I beat a game, there are some that just leave me in awe of how amazing the experience was. At the end of the game, I've often thought 'I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20 because it was worth more than my initial $70 and they didn't try to nickel and dime me every second.'

"Games like , Elden Ring, etc. I know $70 is already a lot, but it's an option at the end of the game I wish I had at times. Some games are that special. I know most will dislike this idea… I realise we are tired of 'tipping' in everything else - but I view this different from a pressure to tip type scenario many face and give feedback on."

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14 aprile alle 13:12

Condiviso da Nappone il Porcellone.Piace a 2 persone