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Ma qualcuno sa quando partiranno gli ordini della Baldur's gate 3 Deluxe edition?


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raga un consiglio col cuore, non affidatevi a poste italiane, da me in città stanno facendo un casino ci punto poste. pacchi scomparsi, pacchi portati altrove anziché al punto designato, postini che maledicono altri postini perché lavorano di merda. Se dovete farvi arrivare cose abbastanza costose evitate poste, pure sui resi si estende il discorso.

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ecco l'update sisi

Pre-orders for the Baldur’s Gate 3 PC Deluxe Edition are now shipping, with console editions expected to begin shipping between April and May.

We wanted to get the console versions into the hands of players earlier, however, production issues have meant that shipping dates have been pushed back slightly.

Those waiting for their Xbox version will now receive 4 physical discs, rather than the 3 originally planned, so that we can provide the full game as a physical copy.
(Yes, it is that big).

While we don't expect any further delays, we will continue to keep you updated on when console versions are ready.

To find out when your pre-order will ship, please keep an eye on your emails!

Ma qualcuno sa quando partiranno gli ordini della Baldur's gate 3 Deluxe edition?